www.marissa.co Spice Cupboard Organising Idea

Spice Cupboard Organising Idea

I have always struggled to find the spices in my spice cupboard. My problem is that each nationality/company sells their spices in different packaging sizes and shapes, making it impossible to keep the cupboard tidy.

On a wonder around a supermarket aisle, I saw a pack of 8 food boxes, the ones that you would get your Chinese takeaway in. This brand was larger than the ones that I have tried before. For the spices I had bought in 500g packets, I put them into the food boxes. For the smaller quantities of spices, the ones in odd bottles and pouches, I popped them into a larger food tub with a lid.

This has made spicing my dishes so much quicker. The trick is to find the size of box that fits your specific cupboards dimensions.

I dislike sticky labels that require hours of soaking and still leave residual glue after cleaning. My solution to labelling the containers is to cut out the name of the product from the label on the packet that the spices come in. I stick the labels down with pieces of Scotch Magic Tape. This way the label can be taken off with ease and the container has no glue left on it after it has been washed. This makes it so much quicker and easier for the next spice to fill the cleaned tub.

This is such a quick and easy way to store spices and has made me enjoy using my obscure spices that were previously trapped in hard to reach places. Who would have thought that a few food tubs could have solved my problem?

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